The Next Step

There are so many emotions when I look at this picture of our home. So many memories, holidays, birthdays, our second daughter’s homecoming from the hospital, and milestones. More often than not, it seems surreal and quick. We’ve talked about making a change in our lives for longer than most people realize. Choosing to downsize our outgoing bills, which in turn gives us the ability to RV more and feel free to do more outside of our home without the guilt of leaving it behind, has been in the cards for a while.

There are times in my life that I question what we do, but I do not question this decision to make life better for my family. Shaun and I, although a bit crazy at times, are a team through and through. We have sat down many nights talking this through, weighing our options, looking into school systems, communities, considering life elsewhere and we know in our heart of hearts that this is where we were meant to be at this point in our lives and the girls’ lives.

Our intent is to be in our new home until the girls are into college and who knows from there. Maybe we’ll RV full-time, go on safari, become cruise ship navigators (ok that’s a far stretch), but Shaun and I are up for adventures and that’s what this is kind of. I am not sure moving within the same county is a true adventure but it’s a choice to leave our secure and comfortable life in our town where we’ve grown roots for the past seven years and move into a brand new one where we need a GPS to get around in.

I know not everyone is a believer in Jesus Christ but for me there is nothing, absolutely nothing, more important to me in life than my faith in God. It is true that my family comes second to Him. I know this takes people by surprise sometimes when I say that my family comes second. But my faith, trust and love for God leads me on the paths we take with comfort and confidence because through all of our decisions I continually pray about it and know He guides us.

I am not trying to preach or convert anyone but to share with you how and why I don’t question this or how I felt confident very quickly after finding the house we are in attorney review. Yes, there are still moments when I walk into the girls school and get a little teary eyed that we won’t be a part of what we have here anymore. Yes, there are moments when I drive down my road, into our lovely neighborhood and wave to my lovely neighbors that touches my heart. Yes, when I walk through my mudroom door into my memory filled and beautiful kitchen and home and get a little choked up. I do know that our friends will still be our friends, we will still come back and visit “The Lane”, there will still be nights at Johnnys, we will still feel love in our hearts for BT and that won’t ever change!

But…now it’s time to take our adventure, move on, and take the next step.

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