Thankful on Thanksgiving!
Let me preface this post acknowledging that I live a very American-Dream like life. But…yup here’s the but…I would just like one day to just sit and be. You feeling me moms out there? Sitting, drinking copious amounts of coffee, snuggling my girls and dog under the blankets, reading a little, taking a too long hot shower and just being. We’ve been purging, packing, in limbo with the closing, living out of boxes, moving, reflooring, painting everrrrrything, still semi-living out of boxes, attempting unpacking, and it’s never ever ever ever ending.
Today is Thanksgiving and today of all days I shouldn’t be whining like a toddler. I am beyond thankful this year for my incredible family, my new, lovely home and what is to come in the year ahead! This weekend I will continue to enjoy our home by finishing painting the girls closets so we can unpack their boxes. Shaun will install all the new moldings so we can then put the furniture where it should be. We will unload the bins and bins of RV stuff that are in the garage and should be in the basement. And on and on and on…
We are so blessed to be able to move into our home and be able to make all of these changes but it’s a bit more overwhelming and time consuming than I ever dreamed. Shaun’s grandmother said to me today that moving is exhausting and would be if you moved just across the street. Truer words couldn’t be spoken!
Along with trying to assemble a life in our home, the girls and I are homeschooling all morning long. Normally they’d go to school and I would power through getting stuff done around the house and errands but it’s a group effort to do those things now which is delayed by about 3 hours of learning/teaching. Thankfully the girls have expressed how much they are loving homeschooling, phew! The only thing that they miss is seeing their friends every day. I get it, because I’m missing my day-to-day life a bit too. It’s an adjustment and a short life phase. Next September they’ll go back to public school and we’ll be right back into the life we had this past September and those before it. I’m sure when that happens we’ll all miss homeschooling lol. Double edged swords we so often carry.
I know that once our house is settled and we get into more of a rhythm of our new day-to-day we’ll acclimate. With the holidays coming, my absolute favorite time of year, we have a lot of fun to look forward to. Our annual Christmas party, a few shows my mom and I are surprising the girls with, a Santa lunch, opportunities to help others, Christmas service, Christmas music and more. In our new home, it’ll be a magical time most definitely.
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