In less than one week, six days, on October 20th, we will close on our new house! For a refresher, we close on our current house on October 30th. As usual the majority of this week was consumed with packing and on top of that I also subbed for three full days. I subbed in Brie’s, my younger one, class because her teacher went into early labor (both are doing well thank God). It’s fun to be in their element and see them do their thing. Also, a bonus is getting out of the house, being forced to look like an adult for the day, and seeing the outside world. On the other hand, being out of the house when I need to do so much within those three full days was not on the docket.
Monday we celebrated Natalie’s tenth birthday at Six Flags Great Adventure. It rained hard in the beginning, turned to a drizzle, and then let up. We went with her BFF, her mom and bro. It was amazing to go during Fright Fest on Columbus Day and ride the rides with no lines and repetitively without even having to get off. The day really couldn’t have gone any better and been more fun.
Thursday night we met one of my closest friends and her daughters who live in our current town for dinner and then we went for ice cream. I refuse to have any goodbyes, lasts, or farewell events and especially with someone I am so close to and who is such a great person and friend. I know that times will come when I say goodbye to some people but I know that my true friends will be in my life for longer than our time here in our current town. This friend, and her lovely daughters, are definitely in our lives forever and I’m so thankful for that bond. Not a million but some great bonds have been formed in our time here and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
This week we emptied our walk-in closet into wardrobe boxes. This after we sold our bedroom set. So now all of our clothes, underwear, socks, etc… are all in boxes that we are living out of. Never did I think that when I got out of the shower I would rummage through three or four boxes to get dressed. It gives new meaning to the phrase “out of the box”. Almost all of the kitchen is packed and that is the hardest part. There’s a lot of paper plates, plastic cups, and other landfill filling items currently being used to eat.
The girls are super excited to have a basement! Natalie (and Brie) got two gymnastics mats as part of her birthday gift. They are more than ready to put them in the basement and get to flipping, handstanding, and whatever else that keeps them going.
Just a heads up, the next blog post is going to be from our new home. So, if it’s delayed a few days or week, please stay tuned and I’ll be back ASAP. It might be short and sweet and spazzy, it might be a few short updates that are short sweet and spazzy but it’s coming…
Here’s a fun picture of me and the girls in the rain this week. All smiling and happy!
Love your blog. Been following the adventure.
Thank you so much!!!